Sunday, April 24, 2005

Sunday. Blah.

Another weekend down the drain. I didn't get much accomplished this weekend, save for a load of laundry. I had my kids again, and when I have them I try to just hang out with them and watch movies or play with toys. I'm trying to get as much of that in as I can since they will be leaving for Germany soon. After the kids leave I'll try to get the house cleaned up and another load of laundry done before bed, but we'll see what happens.

I think I'm going to start a seperate political blog and give commentary on various political news items I find. A lot of people run away from politics like it's the plague. I relish it.

In the meantime, I thought I'd share a couple stories I found. At least my weekend hasn't been as bad as others.

1. Man goes skydiving. Man hits plane on the way down. Man gets legs severed by the airplane.

2. Martha's back in the news. Officials are investigating whether or not a party she attended violated her house arrest. Apparently she gets 48 hours each week to take care of personal business, shop for food, doctor appts, and to conduct official work as it relates to her company. Most people on house arrest get like 8-12 a week to take care of stuff. Martha gets two whole days. Unbelievable.

3. John McGivney's car wouldn't start. So he shot it. 5 times.