Saturday, April 16, 2005

And you think you have it rough here??

Found this article while browsing the web today. Saudi police officers busted up a "gay wedding" with about 100 people in attendence.

Gay couples in the U.S. get ridiculed, protested, and have marriage licenses issued and sometimes revoked. In Saudi Arabia you get prison terms and lashings.

The men, who were caught "dancing and behaving like women" were tried and convicted without the luxury of defense attorneys and were sentenced to prison terms ranging from 6 months to 2 years in jail, with a total of 14,200 lashings handed out as punishment. Four were jailed for 2 years with a sentence of 2,000 lashings each. (Bride and bride's maids?)

Since I'm not gay, I'll admit it's hard for me to relate to the plight that they go through. But I've got to ask.. Would you prefer it our way or their way? That's what I thought.