Friday, April 15, 2005

Can I get your e-mail address?

I found an interesting article revealing that President Bush doesn't e-mail and Bill Clinton only sent 2 emails while in office. I guess I never really put much thought into it, but Bush's response makes sense: "I don't want you reading my personal stuff".

Pretty much anything the President does while in office, even if he isn't in the office becomes a matter of public record. Pissed because the twins had a drunken orgy? If you fire off a nasty e-mail, I'll be able to get a copy, courtesy of FOIA in a couple of years.

It seems sort of sad that the President (Bush or anyone else) can't take advantage of the latest technolgies without having to worry about people trying to get a copy of every email he sends. I'm sure we've all gotten a few emails we don't care to share with others. I don't really see a way to rectify the situation either. If you sent up a private account that won't be archived, somebody will eventually abuse it (Think: Richard Nixon's Whitehouse tapes).

I personally find it difficult to function without email these days. I have friends spread out around the world, and it's about the only way I stay in touch with them. Of course, I'm not the President either. I would imagine he just picks up the phone after his secretary has the other person on the line.

Anyway, I found that tidbit sort of interesting.