Tuesday, April 19, 2005

There is a great disturbance in the force.

As I'm sure you're aware of by now, Supreme Chancellor Joseph Ratzinger has been elected as the 265th Pope, and has taken the Sith name Emperor Benedict XVI.

Chancellor Ratzinger

Emperor Benedict XVI

Photo Credit: Scurvydog.com

This has got to be a real kick in the pants for some Catholics, particularly those in Africa and Latin America. Any hope they had that it would be "their turn" has vanished for the time being. Also any Catholic women that were hoping for a more progressive leader will have to wait this one out. Supreme Chancellor Ratzinger, Dean of the College of Cardinals (as he was known before taking his Sith name) is known as a conservative who has denounced the thought of radical changes within the church and has lead a crackdown against wayward priests around the world.

His election should speak volumes to the catholic faithful around the world. Those that you entrust to make the right decisions around the world have decided now is not the time for change. Hopefully they all can cope with that, or find a religion that better suits them.