Friday, August 19, 2005

Some sadness, and a funny twist.

The National Weather Service says possibly as many as 18 tornados ripped through Wisconsin last night. Forturnately none of them came close to me, although the town of Stoughton got hit pretty hard. Stoughton is about 2 1/2 hours from where I live. Sadly, one person died.

Photo credit: CNN

CNN reported that debris was found 60 miles away in Milwaukee. They haven't said what category the tornado was, and in one portion of the reporting mislabeled it as a hurricane.

The funny (sort of) part comes in the form of a quote from Lenny Peaslee:

Lenny Peaslee, executive chef at the Stoughton Country Club, said the twister tore the roof off as about 40 people took refuge in the basement.

"We were ... hiding behind the bar," he said. "We had beer, anyway."

You've got to love us Wisconsin residents. When the going gets tough, we just crack open a beer.