Thursday, August 11, 2005

Random Thoughts.

There's nothing going on that I really want to blog about in any great detail, so I thought I'd share some random thoughts.

The 3rd most senior General in the U.S. Army has been relieved of command for alleged sexual misconduct. This really is the biggest story not being reported by many news organizations. General Byrnes is the Commander of the Training and Doctrine Command, which is to say he oversees all training of new recruits and is the boss for every Drill Sergeant out there. You'd think he would've learned his lesson after seeing so many Drill Sgt's careers ended from this sort of thing.

Since when should anyone care what Mick Jagger thinks about U.S. Foreign Policy in Iraq? Maybe he felt he needed to say something because he's moved beyond the point of being irrelevant? I bet he'd be singing a different tune if his friends or family had been blown up in a London subway train.

Is it just me or does God not like Boy Scouts? Being a Boy Scout these days is almost as dangerous as being a soldier in Iraq.

I'm getting so tired of the Terrell Owens situation. I can't even watch a football game that he's not even remotely involved in without hearing his whining. I'm starting to hate ESPN.

My trip out of town for work has been pushed back a week. I'm not too happy about that, but it was unavoidable. I'm getting antsy sitting around with nothing to do.

I guess I've been tagged with the responsibility to list 10 songs I'm digging right now. I don't sit around and listen to music much, so I can't think of 10 after 2 days lol.

1. Badd- Ying Yang twins, feat. Mike Jones. I'm digging the beat and hook.
2. Pretty much anything on G'NR greatest hits. I bought it the other day and brought me back to high school.
3. The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald- Gordon Lightfoot. I seem to only hear this song in Wisconsin. It's old, it's cheesy, but I like it for some reason.

All I could come up with was 3. Guess that'll have to do.