Thursday, May 04, 2006

Been a rough week.

* Our training class hasn't been able to get in much shooting this week because of scheduling difficulties, so we get the honor of more classroom instruction. Death By Powerpoint.

* After going shooting for nearly 3 weeks straight I think I'm going through withdrawls.

* I have this on going issue with one of my molars. Its more like a filling wrapped in tooth, and because of that, the tooth is pretty weak. I must've chipped it in my sleep because I woke up on Tuesday with a pretty impressive toothache. My life is about Tylenol and Orajel these days.

* Probably going to have to bite (no pun intented) the bullet and get it taken care of. My insurance doesn't start until next month. I'm thrilled with the prospect of paying for this out of pocket.

* Speaking of money.. you know what they say, "The more you make, the more you spend". Where in the hell is my money going? I hope someone has an answer because I can't figure it out.

* I managed to get a verbal reprimand the other day. 5 of us made the mistake of hitting up a local mom and pop sub sandwich shop on our 45 minute lunch break. Little did we know it would take the old geezer 35 minutes to make our subs plus the 4 that were ordered before we arrived. 9 subs in 35 minutes! We ended up getting back to class 7 minutes late.

* Despite that snafu, I've become a protege of sorts to one of the instructors. I've been getting some nods of approval and little side conversations about the good things I'm doing at work. It's refreshing and a nice change of pace. The last few years I've been looking over my shoulder and doing my best to hide from my supervisors for various reasons.

* My training is almost complete. Soon I'll trade in my mullet and rat-tail braid for a hobo cut, beard, and a saber color of my choosing.