Thursday, August 25, 2005

Why does God hate me? Is it because I don't pray?

So, as you can tell my trip has been shortened and to be honest I wasn't all too thrilled about that simply because I can use the money.

Good news though. The nuke plant called and they want to interview me. Yep, the same plant that kept me waiting for about 2 months, finally wants to talk to me on Tuesday.

The bad news: My current job is taking me out of town again on Sunday, for the entire week. I can't delay until Tuesday afternoon, it's non-negotiable. I can't put off my interview for a week, that too is also non-negotiable.

Conclusion? I'm fucked. Go out of town and I miss the interview. Stay in town, probably lose my current job and burn a family bridge that is making me a good amount of money, even though it's not in the career field I want to be in (although the work is super easy). Of course there is always the possibility that I won't get hired even if I did interview for the job. I probably am the most qualified applicant, but that means very little in an interview.