Monday, May 30, 2005


Drove back to my dad's house today, so I could pick him up and drop the car off at the dealership so they can do the estimate tomorrow. Dad is pretty cool with it now, realizing there wasn't much I could do, especially after I showed him where the accident happened. I wanted to get out and kick the deer since it was still laying there, but decided against it.

Here are some high-res pictures of the car and the damage:

Picture 1 Picture 2

Picture 3 Picture 4 Picture 5

The first thing my dad says to me this morning is "I wish the deer would've buckled the hood, because it has some chips in the paint. It would've been nice to be able to get that replaced." Ok, damn.. last night you were pissed because I hit a deer, today you wish I'd have hit it harder?? I won't argue with his logic, it'll just give me a headache lol.

Tomorrow we'll find out the estimate on the damage and hopefully get a loaner car for me to trash. I'm going to lobby for a '05 GTO, but I won't hold my breath.