Friday, March 25, 2005

Punk Bitch

This could be a long post. It deals with politics the war in Iraq, and the U.S. Army.

First, a short disclaimer. I am in favor of the war. Some people do not think we should be in Iraq, and others feel that we should've only gone to Iraq with more international support. I don't agree with those feelings, but I do respect them. Hell, I don't even get mad at the things that Michael Moore says. He has his opinions on Bush and the War, and I think he's entitled to those opinions.

Some people get my blood boiling though, and it's people like Jeremy Hinzman (referred to from this point forward as "Punk Bitch") that do it. Some background info:

You see, Punk Bitch joined the Army on a 4 year enlistment, and signed up at some point in 2002. Now, anyone who joined the Army after September 11th, 2001 knew there was an almost certainty that they would deploy and see some sort of combat during their enlistment. Well Mr. Bitch applied for conscientious objector status prior to his 82nd Airborne (rapid deployment unit- one of the first to go for those of you not familiar with the Army) deploying to Afghanistan. He either did the deployment, or was not sent on the deployment due to his objections and then proceeded to go AWOL from his unit in January 2004, just prior to his unit deploying to Iraq and fled to Canada requesting political asylum.

My problems with Punk Bitch are not that he had an unwillingness to go to Iraq, or that he disagreed with the U.S. Military occupying the country. My problem with Punk Bitch is that he joined knowing the possibilities. He made a commitment to his fellow soldiers that he would be there for them, as they are there for him. When you join the Army during peace time or war you do so knowing full well that as a soldier you give up some of the basic freedoms that others enjoy. You sign up for a term (enlistment) of a specified period of time, you understand that you will not be allowed free will to do as you please at certain points in your career, and you understand that you will be made available for combat operations should the need arise. Let's take a look at Punk Bitch, just to illustrate what level of pansey this guy is:

Now let's be real about something. The military, not just the U.S., but any country, is a destructive means to a political solution. These are things you must understand when you take an oath as a soldier. I cannot describe how much it irritates me knowing that this guy turned his back on his fellow soldiers. Especially in a situation as this, where some people have the diluted idea that the U.S. is illegally waging war in Iraq. If you believe that this is true, you are watching too much mainstream media. The truth is, that the U.N. on numerous occasions passed resolutions authorizing force if Saddam was not in compliance (which he wasn't). Where people are mistaken is that the U.S. went to the U.N. to get international support for the war, allies, and partners for the implementation of the war. They did not seek approval to wage the war. They already had it. I also understand that some people, no matter how much evidence is produced, no matter how just the effort is, will not back war or combat at any level. For whatever the reason, they are wholesale against the idea of war. I am perfectly fine with that, and that's why it's great that you can volunteer for military service in this country. No body is forcing you to sign up these days, and anyone joining has to be willing to accept the possibility that they will be forced to do things they don't agree with, whether it be a deployment to Iraq or getting up every morning at 5:30A.M. or earlier, when it's raining and cold, just to conduct physical fitness training. It comes with the job. Punk Bitch has also gone on record as saying he told the U.S. Army that he was willing to return as long as he was put in a job that would not send him on a deployment or into combat. Obviously, the Army refused. He made a commitment and they are going to make him honor that commitment. Well, not really. If they get their hands on him, he's going to go to jail for being a deserter. Thankfully, the Canadian government realized he didn't have a compelling argument for political asylum and rejected his case. I don't feel our government should compel anyone to be in combat if they don't want to. If it's not for you, then don't sign up for the job. If you do sign up for the job, then I don't have any mercy for you. Go do your job and quit being a pussy, Punk Bitch.

You can read a news story about Punk Bitch here

And for the record, I served in the U.S. Army. I also volunteered at two different times to go to Iraq, but the Army never selected me to go. I am not monday-morning quarterbacking this.