Thursday, April 28, 2005

Ode to Günther.

I can't believe I haven't made a post about my man Günther until now. Honestly, I haven't been saving this topic for a rainy day.. it shockingly has slipped my mind to write about one of my hero's.

Much like Ron Jeremy, Günther is a guy I can look up to. For those of you not familiar with this living legend, he is a 29 year old singer from Sweden and his aspirations are to "change the world's look at the sexual way of thinking", among other things. Even though his mullet is Business in the front, Party in the Back, this guy manages to pull chicks. Hot ones. And he gets naked with them.

Looking at the man, you can obviously see why he's so confident.

You'd be doing yourself a disservice if you don't go to his website and watch his video. It explains everything perfectly.

Günther, your existence on this planet brings great inspiration to my life. If you can land hot chicks with your 80's hair, 70's glasses, and who knows what era mustache, I know that I should not give up hope. And for this, I salute you.