Wednesday, April 27, 2005


Forward. That's Wisconsin's state motto.

It should be: Because we do crazy shit. I'm sure you've all heard of the nutbag who froze his mother and collected her social security checks. The funny (or sad) part, is that he would've gotten away with it had it not been for a confrontation with a neighbor over an unrelated matter.

I live in Texas these days, and when you don't live in the state you grew up you tend to show some state pride whenever you can, or at least I do anyway. I'm always talking up the cheese, microbrews, UW football, etc. Hell, I even laugh at my friends when their football team gets beat by the Packers.. and I've never been a Packer fan in my life. So I'm always showing my Wisconsin Pride whenever I have the chance, but it's hard to keep up the fight when you've got people doing stupid stuff.

You've got the freezer guy, the cow-molester, Dahmer, Ed Gein, and the list goes on.

I know every state his it's share of weirdos. Down here in Texas the specialty is baby killing apparently. It just sucks when people read a story about some fruitcake and say "Hey.. aren't you from Wisconsin? You related to this guy?"