Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Rants and random acts of violence

I was riding the bus to work this morning (no, I don't have a car... feel free to send me some money if you want!) and not long after I picked a seat we were picking up more passengers at the next stop. A lady got on the bus, found a seat while talking to someone on her cell phone. Now, being in telecommunications you would think I wouldn't have a problem with her cell phone usage, but I did. My problem was the that she was having a louder-than-necessary conversation with whoever was on the other end and it was quite annoying. To top it off, during her conversation she dug into her purse and produced another cell phone, and proceeded to tell whoever she was talking to that she would call them back because she needed to check the voicemail on the other phone. By this time I was quite perturbed. She checked the voicemail, called the other person back and gave them an update on her recent message. By this point I was using a full blown Jedi mind-trick to convince this lady to end her conversation, which she promptly did. Thankfully, neither of her phones were Nextel phones. If I had heard the annoying chirps of a direct-connect converstation linking up, I'd have killed the bitch..