You know, it's getting to the point where I don't watch the news on television or check it out on the web anymore. There was a time when I considered myself a news junkie and was pretty well versed on the happenings around the world.
Some people don't watch or read the news because they don't want to fill their mind with all of the violence and negativity around the world. I can understand that, but I've always accepted it as one of those "things" that is part of our society. The reason I've been shying away from the news is twofold: The mid-term elections are coming and that means a nonstop blitz of campaign ads. I consider myself to be "conservative" on most issues and I'm totally disappointed in the Republicans. They'll probably lose everything this fall and they only have themselves to blame. I'm not excited about the prospects of government controlled by Democrats either. For everyone that will scream about fascism on the right, you can make the same claims about the borderline communist attitudes of the current DNC leadership.
The bottom line is that the Democrats will ride the "we're not George Bush" bandwagon all the way to power, having fooled most people along the way. Before you vote for anyone on any side of the isle please make sure you know where they stand on issues, not where they claim
not to stand. I am definitely not looking forward to this political season.
I'm equally pissed about the Progressive Messiah know as William Jefferson Clinton. Seems Bubba's a little
angry about this new ABC miniseries coming out about 9/11. Lets just cut to the chase with two points:
1. Every president from Reagan to George W. Bush could've done more to prevent terrorist attacks on U.S people and property. This includes Clinton. He had his hands full with domestic scandals the entire time he was in office and he could've done more to handle Bin Laden.
2. Why is it okay for one side to be represented but not the other? Everyone was told to rush and watch Fahrenheit 9/11 because it was the "truth" about Bush's failures in office. Now Clinton gets a taste of the same medicine and all of a sudden its a fabrication or terribly wrong? And we're also forgetting it's supposed to be a dramatic account which means they are going to fill in the holes in dramatic ways.
I saw a quote today in reference to this ABC thing, and I couldn't help but chuckle:
Free speech for me, but not for thee -The motto of the "liberal" Left.