Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Must've been the beer.

As I mentioned in my last post, I made a couple visits to a campground to visit with family. Sunday quickly became Monday morning and I decided I'd stay in the camper instead of driving home. I laid down at 3am and was probably out by 3:01.

I woke up at 6am to the wonderful sound of a baby crying. My little cousin, the baby, is almost 4 months old and was obviously hungry. Shit, my head hurts. Let me feed this kid so I can get back to sleep. As I was getting up, I realized my Uncle had beaten me to it, so I didn't have to do anything.

Fast forward to 8:30am, everyone is up and about. It had rained during the night and my uncle and I were cleaning up the campsite and getting things packed up so we could leave. In short order we had everything picked up and packed outside the trailer, but there was still stuff to do on the inside, but there wasn't really any space available for me to help out, so I was hanging around outside the door.

My uncle and his girlfriend were busy cleaning things up inside the camper when my cousin decided she was tired of staring at the walls of the camper and started to cry. Since I wasn't doing anything important, I went in the camper and laid down with her on the bed and started playing with her and doing that baby-talk nonsense. Within 20 seconds everything was fine with her, but I noticed that things were not right with me. I kinda miss this stuff. I couldn't believe that actually registered as a thought for me. For 5 years I've been proclaiming with no regret that I had 2 kids and was "out of the game". How could it be that I missed having a newborn around to play with? Part of me wishes I had a newborn again. Dammit, now I need to find something to clean, even better, something to drink! Beer, gone. Whiskey, gone. Oh well, I'll just have to tough it out I guess.

Luckily for me, I'm single. Luckily for me, I have a little cousin I can visit whenever I want to.