Thursday, July 07, 2005

I had it all planned out.

But now it just doesn't seem to flow.

Right about now, my kids are somewhere over the Atlantic, on their way to Germany. They were supposed to leave last week, but things got all messed up and everything was delayed. Then they were supposed to have a 6 hour lay over at O'hare-close enough for me to visit one last time. But then the Army changed things again, and their connecting flight was changed to Memphis.

I'm not mad though, it probably would've just made things harder on all of us. I've talked to them on the phone since I dropped them off a few weeks ago, but for the most part, I have already considered them "gone", at least temporarily.

From the first day that I found out that they would be leaving, I figured I'd author a long winded post, explaining how I was feeling. I even considered getting it written up in advance so that all I'd have to do was publish it, but I decided that when the day came, I'd just write about how I felt at that particular time.

Honestly, I don't feel much of anything. They are gone. It is what it is, and nothing will change that fact. All I can do is countdown the days until I can see them again.

On a lighter (or sadder) note, I'm going to see 2 all time greats this weekend, performing at a county fair an hour or so from here. I'll be taking in a REO Speedwagon and Styx concert. It should be pretty fun. There should be plenty of lonely chicks on the rebound, so we'll see what happens. It's another camping trip, so I'm sure I'll be plenty drunk. Details to follow.